Miss Shahnaz Akbar, MBBS,MRCPI,MRCOG

Miss Shahnaz Akbar is a Consultant specialising in Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Reproductive MedicineSurgery. She provides a patient-centred and holistic approach for her patientsto help them feel comfortable in a professional environment. She always takes into consideration the needs of her patients and uses this to providepatient-tailored treatments.

She has specialist interests in the following areas:

Fertility treatments (IUI. IVF.ICSI,IMSI, FET /Frozen embryo transfer/ Egg donation/Sperm donation/ Micro-TESE, PESA/cycle tracking & monitoring/Ovulation, Induction/ HyCosy & HSG for fallopian tubal check /supporting couples who are having fertility treatments abroad byoffering ultrasound scanning, prescriptions / medications etc.).

· Male and female infertility/ Premature ovarian insufficiency.

· Treating /supporting same sex couples.

· Fibroids with advanced management / complex myomectomy / resection of fibroids by Hysteroscopy/Myosure/TCRF.

· Hysterectomy.

· Laparoscopic (key-hole) Surgery / Hysteroscopy

· Managing ovarian cyst / laparoscopic surgery.

· PCOS- medical/ surgical management.

· Endometriosis -medical/ surgical management.

· Menstrual irregularities / Painful periods / Heavy periods/ Endometrial

· Adolescent gynaecology.

· Perimenopause / Menopause.

· Hormone Replacement therapy (HRT) / Bio identical HRT.

· Well women check-ups.

· Contraception advice / insertion & removal of contraceptive implants, IUCD/IUS

· Early pregnancy scans/ early pregnancy complications/ Recurrent
Miscarriages/Ectopic pregnancy.

· Ultrasound-reassurance pregnancy scans / pelvic ultrasound scans.

· Harmony Test / NIPT.

· Smear Test.

. Removal of endometrial polyps.

· Pregnancy Symptoms

· Early Pregnancy.

· Psychosexual problems / management.

Miss Akbar currently practices at OSD Healthcare (Hemel Hampsted), Spire Halthcare (Harpenden ), Ramsay West Valley Hospital (Croydon), Cobham Clinic Luton & Dunstable Hospital (Luton), Harley Street consulting rooms (Bedford), including remote / video consultations.

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
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