Shilpa Dave Health is a multidisciplinary lifestyle medicine clinic in the heart of Teddington. We have a dedicated Nutritonal Therapist, Specialised Yoga and Wellness team, and GP team. Our lead GP and founder is Dr Shilpa Dave. Dr Shilpa is an experienced Private GP with over 15 years of experience in well established private GP clinics in London. Dr Dave is also an NHS GP with over 20 years of medical experience. She is a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners and has specific qualifications in family planning. To see live bookings please go to our website www.privategp/book

Dr Dave has developed a special interest over the years in the root cause of disease which has had stemmed from her interest in yoga, nutrition and Ayurvedic medicine. This has led her to embark on developing an interest in the novel branch of medicine Functional Medicine which looks at a whole person approach to disease focusing on symptoms but rather the root cause of disease. By looking at the role of for example diet, gut health, stress and exercise then a root cause approach can avoid unnecessary use of medicines and pills to treat disease.

Dr Dave is an AMFCP delegate and strives to integrate this approach to medicine in her daily General Practice. This has led her to develop her own practice within Kirby Chemist, Dental and Medical Centre. The centre offers a travel clinic, on-site pharmacy as well as reflexology, Pilates and other health specialities all under one convenient roof.

Dr Dave offer video consultations, face to face consultations and membership plans.
General Practitioner
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